Recently I was tasked with a project requirement that the user should be able to add pages to a favorite list. To me this sounds much like using the new following feature of SharePoint 2013 which allows you to follow documents, sites, people and tags. And the difference between a document and a page in SharePoint is more semantic than technical. Also, we don’t want the user to navigate to the pages library in order to follow the page, but do it with a link/icon on the page itself. That said, the hover panel “Follow” link does not appear by default for Pages libraries either :)
Instead of creating a custom list to hold a users favorites we decided to use the built in social following functionality using JavaScript CSOM.
So, how do you go about following a page? There are at least a couple of ways. One, write your own custom CSOM script, or two, tap into what SharePoint uses when you click “Follow” on a document or a site.