Friday, May 22, 2015

Pre-Ignite Hackathon Report


January 2nd and 3rd, Saturday and Sunday before Microsoft Ignite sported a hackathon organized by Andrew Clark. Being a hacking kind of guy I joined up together with Chris Givens, Shannon Bray and my colleague Espen Olsen (who bailed on us on Sunday).

The task was to pick one of five community problems and use Office 365 and/or Azure to solve it in 24h. Coming straight from an over seas flight my mind was playing tricks on me, but we chose problem #4.


Why BYODs and Office 365 Will Make More Money for Your Company



Before Office 365 really took off, employees had access to e-mail on their mobile phones. Access to e-mail on a personal device allowed them to review and respond to off hours requests. An action usually done on the employees own time and conscience. This means employees are giving away hours for free, which is a good thing if you’re an employer, right? But the flip side is that an e-mail feels like something you HAVE to respond to; it’s not learning.

Monday, May 18, 2015

ALWAYS set the client type on SharePoint search API calls–and be smart about the value

At my current customer we recently deployed SharePoint 2013 search, but we don’t seem to get any search suggestions in the search box, thus search-as-you-type in the search box never show anything.

Before diving into the reason behind it all, the solution is to add &clienttype=ContentSearchRegular to all search REST/API calls where you know you will do custom rendering of the result and have no intention to implement the RecordPageClick event when users click on of the result items.