Friday, June 29, 2018

Using PnP PowerShell to inspect the crawl log in SharePoint Online

One of the lesser know features for SharePoint Online is the ability to look at the crawl log. For on-premises SharePoint, scanning the crawl log is something any search troubleshooter knows how to do, and something I’ve often heard is an ask for SharePoint Online.

A typical scenario is someone asking why their file does not show up in search, or why a user profile hasn’t been updated in search. The crawl log won’t solve these issues, but might give you hints and insights for further troubleshooting as you can see any warnings or errors, and see at what time the item in question was last crawled.

Over two years ago I created a SharePoint App which allows you to search the crawl log and trigger re-indexing (, but I figured the time was right to share this with the world – hence the June release of PnP PowerShell introduced the new cmdlet Get-PnPSearchCrawlLog. But if you fancy a UI, the app is still there :)

Test it for yourself or take a look at the demo I did yesterday at the PnP sig call.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Dynamically load a web part from another web part

I coded a proof of concept last week on how to load a SPFx web part from another web part which I plan to use as pattern for display templates for a search web part I’m planning. By using SPFx parts as render templates we get better control of the code, and avoid script injection on the page.

I figured this approach might be useful for other scenarios so here’s the code to play with :)

The POC loads up two instances of the Modern Script Editor web part, and sets data in it. Which means the modern script editor web part has to be installed on the site you are testing on. Or replace with any of the oob web parts and set the correct properties.

Issues I haven’t gotten to yet as they are not a concern for my scenario are:

  • How to access web part properties of the dynamic loaded web parts in edit mode – can be worked around if the web part has a custom edit UI
  • How to persist the web part data and store it in the main web part – take a look at the serialize method of the ClientSideWebPartManager.
  • The text web part is a special kind of web part, so not sure how to dynamically instantiate it

Full sample can be found at

import * as React from 'react';
import styles from './HelloWorld.module.scss';
import { IHelloWorldProps } from './IHelloWorldProps';
import { Guid } from '@microsoft/sp-core-library'
import { ClientSideWebPartManager, IWebPartManagerContext, IWebPartData } from '@microsoft/sp-webpart-base';
import { DisplayMode } from '@microsoft/sp-core-library';

import { IClientSideWebPartManifest } from '@microsoft/sp-module-interfaces';

let _webPartManager: ClientSideWebPartManager;
let _sampleIdOne = "mAdcOW" + Guid.newGuid().toString();
let _sampleIdTwo = "mAdcOW" + Guid.newGuid().toString();
export default class HelloWorld extends React.Component<IHelloWorldProps, {}> {

    public async componentDidMount(): Promise<void> {
        _webPartManager = new ClientSideWebPartManager(;
        await _webPartManager.fetchWebPartManifests(); // Ensure all manifests are available

    private async addData() {
        // local webpart properties - in this case props for the modern script editor webpart
        let props = {
            script: "<div>Foo</div>",
            title: "The Modern Script Editor web part!",
            removePadding: false,
            spPageContextInfo: false
        await this.loadWebPart("ScriptEditorWebPart", document.getElementById(_sampleIdOne), props);
        await this.loadWebPart("ScriptEditorWebPart", document.getElementById(_sampleIdTwo), props);

    private async loadWebPart(alias: string, domElement: HTMLElement, webPartProperties: any) {
        let manifests = _webPartManager.getWebPartManifests();
        for (let i = 0; i < manifests.length; i++) {
            const manifest = manifests[i];
            if (manifest.alias === alias) {
                let instanceId = Guid.newGuid().toString();
                let wpManifest: IClientSideWebPartManifest<any> = manifest as IClientSideWebPartManifest<any>;
                let wpData: IWebPartData = {
                    instanceId: instanceId,
                    title: "",
                    dataVersion: "1.0",
                    properties: webPartProperties

                // Specify any as webpartLoadExtraLogInfo is not defined on the interface and has to be present
                let initialize: IWebPartManagerContext & any = {
                    domElement: domElement,
                    instanceId: instanceId,
                    manifest: wpManifest,
                    displayMode: DisplayMode.Read,
                    webPartData: wpData,
                    webpartLoadExtraLogInfo: {
                await _webPartManager.loadWebPart(initialize);

    public render(): React.ReactElement<IHelloWorldProps> {
        return (
            <div className={styles.helloWorld} >
                <div className={styles.container}>
                    <div className={styles.row}>
                        <div className={styles.column}>
                            <span className={styles.title}>Dynamic loading!</span>
                            <span id={_sampleIdOne}></span>
                            <span id={_sampleIdTwo}></span>