Tuesday, April 25, 2023

New useful managed properties to use in Microsoft Search


For those working with hub sites in SharePoint you have for a long time used the managed property DepartmentId, later accompanied by RelatedHubSites when hub site hierarchies was enabled.

Now the time has come to have these properties, and some more, added to the public documentation.

Take a peek at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/crawled-and-managed-properties-overview which covers these new properties available for online experiences.

The documentation UX is not ideal, so ensure you scroll the table of properties to the right to read the comments per property. Here’s a copy of the table for reference where I moved the comment for visibility.

Note the (*) highlighting that it’s not guaranteed that each item has a value in the property.

Property name









Mapped crawled properties



Site ID of the hub of the immediate hub. Applies to all items in the hub/associated sites.










Site IDs of associated hubs including hub hierarchies. Can be used instead of DepartmentId for most scenarios. Applies to all items in the hub/associated sites.










Applies to the site result of a hub (contentclass=STS_Site)










Semi-colon separated list of AADIDs for modifiers of a file or page ordered in date descending order. (*)









Date and Time

Semi-colon separated list of modification dates for modifiers of a file or page ordered in date descending order. (*)










Semi-colon separated list of the names for modifiers of a file or page ordered in date descending order. (*)










Semi-colon separated list of UPNs for modifiers of a file or page ordered in date descending order. (*)










Semi-colon separated list of auto-generated chapters on Teams meeting videos. (*)










Semi-colon separated list of time codes matching the chapter titles for auto-generated chapters on Teams meeting videos. (*)








* Property is not guaranteed to contain data.

Retirement of Dynamic Ordering feature in classic search experiences

In MC44789 post from April 22nd, 2023, Microsoft announced the retirement of the dynamic ordering feature experience in classic search.

If you don’t know what the feature is, the below image highlights the feature seen in the query builder in classic search result sources, query rules and search web parts.


The above screenshot show a rule which if it matches the term xrank in the title results will be boosted to the top of the result list.

Wait what?? So I will no longer be able to boost items per my own logic? Sure you can, and this is called out in the MC post – “Functional parity may be achieved by adding XRANK clauses directly to the query template in the Query Builder dialog.”

Previously when testing the query from the test tab you could see the output of the final query. However this is no longer the case and I’ll teach you how to transition dynamic rules over to manual XRANK.


Today using the constant boost, or cb, parameter to rank is not the recommended approach. The reason is that the internal rank scale has changed over the years so the value 5,000 may or may not be required to move something to the top. The below example has a rank of –17921 so adding 5000 would not help.


The recommended parameter to use today is to use standard deviation boost with the stdb parameter.

See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/search-concept-xrank or https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/general-development/keyword-query-language-kql-syntax-reference#dynamic-ranking-operator for all parameters.

Manually writing dynamic ordering rules as XRANK

A query temple to boost a result to the top can then look like:

{?{searchTerms} XRANK(stdb=100) Title:xrank}

Feel free to replace 100 with a smaller or larger number as needed.

If you want to boost items with title=foo pretty high, and less with title=bar you can use a nested XRANK statement, similar to what multiple dynamic ordering rules will accomplish.

{?({searchTerms} XRANK(stdb=5) Title:foo) XRANK(stdb=2) Title:bar}

If you want to demote results instead of promoting them, use a negative number.

If you go for decimals instead of integers, I recommend reading https://www.techmikael.com/2014/11/you-should-use-exponential-notation.html to ensure they always work.

Filter on managed properties in search with or without values

Back in 2014 I wrote the post How To: Search up items which don’t have a value set, which covers how to write keyword query syntax (KQL) filters to return or restrict items depending on if a specific managed property has a value or not. Recently Microsoft added support to more easily query if managed properties of type Text contain or does not contain a value.

Here’s a link to the updated documentation:


Note: The new supported syntax only works for Microsoft 365 / Online



Items missing or having a text value

The syntax is as follows:

KQL Syntax Description
NOT <Property Name>:* Items where a property does not have a value
<Property Name>:* Items where a property does has a value

The documentation uses the following example to list SharePoint sites associated to a hub site.

(DepartmentId:* OR RelatedHubSites:*) AND contentclass:sts_site NOT IsHubSite:true

Deciphering the query:

KQL Description
(DepartmentId:* OR RelatedHubSites:*) return items which has a value in the original DepartmentId managed property or in the successor RelatedHubSites property
contentclass:sts_site return only site items
NOT IsHubSite:true exclude hub site results

Note that hubs connected to another hub will not be included in the above query. If you want those, then remove the NOT IsHubSite:true part and post-process the results as needed.

For completeness let’s cover how to accomplish the same for other types of managed properties.

Items missing or having a YesNo value

To find items missing a value in a date property the syntax shown in my 2014 seems to no longer work and should be replaced with the following where the date is some low non-used date.

KQL Description
NOT (RefinableYesNo00:true OR RefinableYesNo00:false) return items not having a value in a YesNo property
(RefinableYesNo00:true OR RefinableYesNo00:false) return items having a value in a YesNo property


Items missing or having a date value

To find items missing a value in a date property the syntax shown in my 2014 seems to no longer work and should be replaced with the following where the date is some low non-used date.

KQL Description
NOT RefinableDate00>1900-01-01 return items not having a value in a date property
RefinableDate00>1900-01-01 return items having a value in a date property


Items missing or having a number value

For number type managed properties it’s easier as you typically know the range of values.

KQL Description
NOT Size>=0 if the managed property only contain positive values, then this will return all items with no value set
NOT RefinableDecimal00>=0 NOT RefinableDecimal00<0 return items where the property RefinableDecimal00 has no value
Size>=0 return all items having a value which is greater than your smallest value

Friday, April 7, 2023

There are still new things to learn from the SharePoint Search API I won't share. I will NOT!

…I will, just a tad bit late :)

This was a tweet I made Friday October 21st once I understood the root cause of an API issue which has popped up in the last months. The issue affected PnP Modern Search web parts when query rules were enabled, and also the Search Query Tool with default settings.

I thought it was a weird API issue which had been introduced as part of an ongoing service upgrade for Microsoft Search lately, but turns out everything was working as expected – except the expected part hasn’t been expected for the past many years. And a big thank you to engineers at Microsoft helping me understand what the root cause is.

On the API side it manifests itself as follows with the following simple API REST query executed in the SharePoint Search Query Tool where you only get 2 main results where you would expect 10.



Where are the rest of my 10 results? Well, they happen to be located in the Secondary Results, a place I never looked.


I’ll explain the behavior, and it is actually correct (sort of), and I will explain why this happens now in 2022.

A trip down memory lane

When SharePoint 2013 was released Microsoft released the feature of query rules, which allowed to bring in result blocks into the search results as seen below.

The below screenshot triggers the rule “People Name in SharePoint” which bring in two result blocks.


And the query rule definition


The definition above says to always place people on top, and possible show documents authored by the person as a block within the results, or interleaved.

The thing is that the logic/setting to have it ranked has changed.

Todays logic – changed in October 2021

The old logic


The old logic introduced with SharePoint 2013 would start the block high up, and if results in the block was not clicked it would move down the page, and eventually off the page, which is what has happened for most customers over the years.

The new logic now introduced will ALWAYS interleave the block on the page 1 results, never moving it off the page.

So how does this affect the API?

By default an API query will invoke query rules unless explicitly turned off, e.g. the above query https://tenant.sharepoint.com/_api/search/query?querytext='mikael'&rowlimit=10

As Modern Search was introduced quite some time back this has greatly reducing the use of the classic search center. This means that people haven’t clicked results in result blocks from quite some time, no clicks are recorded and the block moved off the page – never appearing in API queries.

Now as the logic has changed, the blocks come back, which is not a bug, but maybe not expected.

Together with query rules there is another API setting available, one I have never thought about, but it’s been there all along. “Enable Interleaving” which by default is set to true documented at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/office/sharepoint-csom/jj262234(v=office.15).

Of course, if you don’t need query rules for your scenario you should always disable them on the API call. Problem solved!

Then again, using the PnP modern search web parts a common scenario is to use promoted results, and thus you need query rules enabled. Which leads to queries on people names triggering the original “People names rules” causing interleaving to happen and the results split into primary and secondary result tables in the response.

The solution then is to set EnableInterleaving=false.

Changing the query to https://contoso.sharepoint.com/_api/search/query?querytext='mikael'&enableinterleaving=false&rowlimit=10 ensure 10 results as expected in the primary result set.


I have released a fix to the Query Tool which by default will disable interleaving, or you can set it yourself.


And I have made the same fix to the PnP Modern Search Web Parts v4.8, and any interleaving should be done manually at the template level if strictly needed.

Query variable trick in Microsoft Search verticals (and classic)

Microsoft has been working on both classic and modern scenarios for Microsoft Search, and evaluating existing solutions to determine the best way to support query variables. This post is not exclusive to Microsoft Search, and the same technique can be used with any SharePoint classic search experience. The only difference is the type of query variables that are supported for each experience.

For supported query variables in Microsoft Search modern experiences see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftsearch/manage-verticals#profile-query-variables.

For supported query variables in classic search see https://www.techmikael.com/2014/05/s15e03-query-variables-constant-trouble.html.



The sample case solution provide an option to filter search results down a city. All items are tagged with a managed property City to allow for the filtering. On the SharePoint page of the solution the user can pick their own or a specific city. When picking their own, no query parameter is passed with the city. When picking a specific city the user is sent to a vertical in Microsoft Search passing the city value as a query string parameter:


Which brings us to the query template to use:

{searchTerms} {?City:{Request.City} NOT UNIQUESTRING}{?City:{Profile.positions.detail.company.address.city}}

To see what properties you can use for a Profile query variable, view the output of https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/me/profile in e.g. Graph Explorer. For our test case the City location for a person is available via the query variable {Profile.positions.detail.company.address.city}.

What the above query template achieve is: If a query string parameter City is present, this will be used as part of the query. If not present, the City value of the logged in users profile will be used instead. The {?} notation means that if a query variable is missing, the part enclosed within the braces will be removed all together from the template on evaluation.

I’m using a trick with UNIQUESTRING (which could be any random unique string not present in the search index) to invalidate the last part of the query if we have a query string parameter in the URL. It adds invalid KQL sort of for a property which does not exist, and is thus ignored.

Let’s add some examples to illustrate the evaluation where the ignored part of the query is highlighted in yellow, and the inclusion part in green. The user’s profile value for city is Oslo.

Scenario 1 – Click on Oslo

  • ?City=Oslo
  • Users City=Oslo

Ending query: City:Oslo NOT UNIQUESTRINGCity:Oslo    

Scenario 2 – Click on Helsinki

  • ?City=Helsinki
  • Users City=Oslo

Ending query: City:Helsinki NOT UNIQUESTRINGCity:Oslo

Scenario 3 – Click on My City

  • ?City=<missing>
  • Users City=Oslo

Ending query: City:Oslo

Scenario 4 – Click on Helsinki (and missing a city in the profile)

  • ?City=Helsinki
  • Users City=<missing>

Ending query: City:Helsinki NOT UNIQUESTRING

Scenario 5 – Click on My City and missing a city in the profile

  • ?City=<missing>
  • Users City=<missing>

Ending query: <empty>

And that’s all there is to it. By matching values on a users profile with values on other data you can create quick navigation and filtering scenarios. By adding SPFx into the mix even more control and logic can be built around the search results pages and passing in values.