I had my summer vacation all of July, and had promised myself not to do any extra curricular work. I kept that promise more or less even though I did post on the hardware requirements for 2013 dev. And that was just about how much 2013 work I did during the summer. But I did pick chanterelles with my son, which he’s quite good at even though it was his first time.
Secondly I’ve been so lucky to be picked up to speak at a session at SPC in Las Vegas in November. I’ll write more about that once the agenda has been officially published. This has taken some of my time for research and planning and I’m really looking forward to it.
Thirdly I have embarked on a small adventure to contribute with a chapter about search architecture for an upcoming book on SharePoint 2013. Even though it’s a small adventure it requires thought, planning and time. But writing is one of the best ways to learn new stuff.
And lastly, I have also just recently gotten back from a trip to Sri Lanka with my employer Puzzlepart. We have developers in Colombo as well as in Pune in India, and we got everyone together for an internal code camp. The camp was much fun and we all learned a lot, both professionally and personally. Never underestimate meeting someone face to face. The camp was not all work, as we also spend the weekend at a beach hotel (where I of course managed to get sun burned).
At the last day in Colombo we got to participate at a local SharePoint event, the Colombo SharePoint Camp hosted by 99X Technology. It was a great event with good talks and after a while the crowd warmed up as well and we got the interaction going. It’s nice to see that SharePoint is flowing all around
All in all.. it’s been hectic getting it all together, and hopefully I will have more time to write about whatever intricacies I discover along my technical pathway.