- Why you (as an HTML developer) should start to think of the DOM as a travelling salesman problem A non search related post, but hit a broader audience as it talks about using your mind when doing DOM manipulations
- Managed property mapping retrieval in a Display Template explained Doing display templates seems easy, but knowing how it ties together with managed properties is indeed helpful.
- How to: Boost metadata in SharePoint search results This ties into how you can improve search ranking. Most likely a topic I will devote time for in 2016 as there are so many obstacles and pitfalls tuning relevance – especially for SharePoint online. How do you overcome a trimmed down toolbox?
- O365 Dev Challenges (8 part series) My journey trying to code as little plumbing as possible when creating an Office 365 add-in – released Netflix style.
- Every organization should have honey pot documents A skewed article on how search and analytics can show trends or non-wanted trends about your employees and documents
So what’s next for 2016? Blogging wise we’ll see, but doing search relevance tuning seems like a topic. Speaking wise my only plan is to say something at the Arctic SharePoint Challenge in February, which I’m part of organizing. But I’m sure something pops up.
As for Office 365 and SharePoint I think it’s moving in the right direction, and the end of the year yielded some good discussions with fellow MVP’s at the MVP summit. Mix that with recent posts by Microsoft and I’m sure 2016 will be awesome.
At the end of the year Puzzlepart was bought by Crayon, certainly an opportunity for creating something interesting in the Office 365 space. Hopefully Puzzlepart’s and my own enthusiasm will rub off for some customers out there :-)