To the rescue comes PowerShell. Since all FAST servers have PowerShell installed you can create a PowerShell script and use this. All you need is notepad
See my post “How To: Debug and log FAST Search pipeline extensibility stages in Visual Studio” on how to do this in C#, and also how to create your own property set with PowerShell commands.In order to register the script in pipelineextensibility.xml we prepend the ps1 file with the PowerShell runtime. Make sure to keep the <PipelineExtensibility>
<Run command="C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\PowerShell.exe C:\FASTSearch\pipelinemodules\concept.ps1 %(input)s %(output)s"> <Input> <CrawledProperty propertySet="48385C54-CDFC-4E84-8117-C95B3CF8911C" varType="31" propertyName="docvector"/> </Input> <Output> <CrawledProperty propertySet="fa585f53-2679-48d9-976d-9ce62e7e19b7" varType="31" propertyName="concepts"/> </Output> </Run>
I’m not a PowerShell expert, so there might be better ways of doing some parts of this script. Make a note that I read and write the xml files with UTF-8 encoding. This is crucial as this is what the pipeline works with.
function CreateXml()
{ param ([string]$set, [string]$name, [int]$type, $value) $resultXml = New-Object xml $doc = $resultXml.CreateElement("Document") $crawledProperty = $resultXml.CreateElement("CrawledProperty") $propSet = $resultXml.CreateAttribute("propertySet") $propSet.innerText = $set $propName = $resultXml.CreateAttribute("propertyName") $propName.innerText = $name $varType = $resultXml.CreateAttribute("varType") $varType.innerText = $type $crawledProperty.Attributes.Append($propSet) > $null $crawledProperty.Attributes.Append($propName) > $null $crawledProperty.Attributes.Append($varType) > $null $crawledProperty.innerText = $value $doc.AppendChild($crawledProperty) > $null $resultXml.AppendChild($doc) > $null $xmlDecl = $resultXml.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", "") $el = $resultXml.psbase.DocumentElement $resultXml.InsertBefore($xmlDecl, $el) > $null return $resultXml } function DoWork() { param ([string]$inputFile, [string]$outputFile) $propertyGroupIn = "48385c54-cdfc-4e84-8117-c95b3cf8911c" # FAST internal group $propertyNameIn = "docvector" # property name $dataTypeIn = 31 # integer $propertyGroupOut = "fa585f53-2679-48d9-976d-9ce62e7e19b7" # Custom group $propertyNameOut = "concepts" # property name $dataTypeOut = 31 # integer $xmldata = [xml](Get-Content $inputFile -Encoding UTF8) $node = $xmldata.Document.CrawledProperty | Where-Object { $_.propertySet -eq $propertyGroupIn -and $_.propertyName -eq $propertyNameIn -and $_.varType -eq $dataTypeIn } $data = $node.innerText # do your custom modification on $data here $resultXml = CreateXml $propertyGroupOut $propertyNameOut $dataTypeOut $data $resultXml.OuterXml | Out-File $outputFile -Encoding UTF8 } # pass input and output file paths as arguments DoWork $args[0] $args[1]