You can find the complete sample web part at:
With the recent release of the Developer Preview of the SharePoint Framework it’s now possible to start running queries against the Microsoft Graph without the use of ADAL.
The savior in this case is the introduction of the GraphHttpClient class (which at the time of writing this does not have a documentation page). If you decode the Bearer token used by GraphHttpClient you can see the following permissions being available:
The Groups permission lets you read information about Office 365 Groups, but not everything as stated in the documentation. You can read the basic information about the group as well as Exchange data like calendar events, but I got access denied when trying to list members of a Group.
The report permission lets you read different usage reports from Office 365, for example all activities in Office 365 Groups. The response of a usage report call is a redirect URL in which you will the report in CSV format. See the Graph documentation for more information.
I guess time will tell what other resources which will be made available through this end-point.
The important part when using GraphHttpClient is that you pass in a relative URL without a starting slash. For example:
- v1.0/groups/79958190-024b-4c62-ab55-65dc9a066cac/events
- beta/reports/Office365GroupsActivity(view='Detail',period='D7')
In my sample web part to be used on the team site of an Office 365 Group I retrieve all calendar entries for the current group with the following code and return a concatenated string of all the calendar entry titles.
Note that my response is of type HttpClientResponse and not GraphHttpClientResponse. For some reason it failed to reference this class, but it inherits from HttpClientResponse without adding anything, so it’s all good. Also note that I get the group id for the current group though context.pageContext.legacyPageContext.groupId. I expect group id to perhaps be available directly on the pageContext object in the future.
public componentDidMount(): void { // Group ID is not directly available yet, so we get it from the legacy context let groupId = this.props.context.pageContext.legacyPageContext.groupId; this.props.context.graphHttpClient.get(`v1.0/groups/${groupId}/events`, GraphHttpClient.configurations.v1).then((response: HttpClientResponse) => { if (response.ok) { return response.json(); } else { console.warn(response.statusText); } }).then((result: any) => { let appointments: string = ''; for (var i = 0; i < result.value.length; i++) { var element = result.value[i]; appointments += element.subject + "|"; } this.setState({ appointments: appointments }); }); }
You can find the complete sample web part at: